Details for Property Reference HEARNEHSE
A modern industrial/commercial property with some 1908 sq ft (177m2) comprising portal framed workshop/warehouse with Internal Mezzanine Office and Toilet, Staff/Visitors Parking, Roller Shutter and Personel doors to enclosed secure yard, Foreman’s Office and Toilet.
Herne Park is off East Road in the market town of Oundle which is situated off the A.605 some 12 miles west of Peterborough, 10 miles west of the A.1. and 7 miles north of Junction of the A.14 and the A.45. It is within easy reach of Corby, Northampton and Huntingdon
The Workshop is in four bays and extends to some 177 m2 (1908 sq ft) with concrete floor, fluorescent lighting, single and 3 phase electricity, roller shutter loading doors and personnel door.
Outside: The total site area is some 1408m2 (1684 sq yds) with a
full concrete apron to the front of the buildings.
Business Rates: The property is believed to be eligible for Small Business Rate
Terms: The property is available on a 6 Year full repairing and
insuring lease
VAT: All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT, which the Landlord may
choose or have a duty to impose.
Legal Costs: The Tenant will be responsible for the legal costs.
Viewing: Strictly by appointment only through the Sole Agents