If you are looking to buy, sell, let or develop commercial property whether offices, retail, or
industrial, within the area we can offer you the benefit of both experience and local knowledge.
We can arrange valuations in accordance with the strict guidelines specified in the Appraisal
and Valuation Standards of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and a survey service
covering most of Northamptonshire, Rutland, parts of South Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire,
Huntingdonshire and Bedfordshire.
We can provide a property management service encompassing rent reviews and lease renewals
under the Landlord & Tenant Act, rent collection, service charge computations,
dilapidations and schedules of condition.
Croskell has had some 35 years experience covering all aspects of private practice together with
experience with the Valuation Office of the Inland Revenue. If you require the benefit of that
experience contact him to discuss your project.
Please call us on 01832 273 565 to
discuss your requirements - ask for Nigel Croskell.